Information Desk | Job Fair
Frontdesk Bangladesh Limited participated in a special job fair for the Sales Representative (SR) / Sales Man / Sales Executive on 08 September 2022, at GEC Convention Centre, GEC Circle, Chattogram. This Job Fair was organized by considering the high growth of the demand of this sales force among the companies.
This is the first time at Chattrogram, FDB participated in a fair specially for the Sales People. We interviwed on the spot and collected thousands of profiles of Sales Representative / Sales Man professionals' as well as who are aspiring to be a Sales Person.
Field Sales Force/Showroom Salesman are in the core of any manufacturing company, retail chain, Food chain, electronics chain and fashion chain. Millions of youths are working in this sector. However, businesses are facing tremendous difficulties to recruit them. We hope we can support them by plalceing them in the job market. Stay with us!