Basic Sales Training
For Pharmaceuticals Sales Forces
1. Introductory and On-boarding
- Begins with Field Attachment: One week comprehensive field training with respective company’s Sales Forces to understanding the following things:
- Fully understand the Med Rep (Medical Representative) job.
- Practically see the spread over total time and core time of the job.
- To understand the required basic knowledge, competencies and skills to do the job.
- Upside and down side of the field job.
- To see practically how the existing Rep working and communicating with customers.
- Discipline & punctuality – how it is maintaining in the field job.
- Chain of command – how it works in field job
- To get the real feel and practical exposure of the Med Rep field job. As a result one can decide whether an individual would become fit or not.
- To understand required attitude, attire and grooming.
- Anatomy, Physiology & other system of Human body (3 – 4 days Training for newly selected people)
Microbiology, Pathology, diseases of human system & organs (3 Days Class Room Training for new Joiners)
Products detail: Pharmacokinetics, Indications, contra-indications, Dosages etc. (3 – 7 days, depending on number of products of the Company
Details training on company’s regular promotional products by molecule and therapeutic group.
- Composition, pharmacokinetics (all basic information)
- Indications, contra-indications, adverse reaction.
- Mode of action
- Dosages schedule
- All presentation/dosage forms and pack size.
- Trade price, maximum retail price etc.
- Marketing strategy & Competitors activities (this topic inbuilt with the Products detail)
- General marketing strategies
- Unique selling propositions
- Selling tactics of own company products
- Competitor’s products’ basic information with their selling proposition.
- Skills add-on for offering benefits to consider segmentation & targeting of customers.
- Brand benefit and company goodwill.
2. Basic Selling Skills Training Course (BSSTC) - Comprehensive training on basic selling skills and communication 3 – 4 days class room training with role play
- Necessity and importance of selling skills in Pharmaceuticals selling process.
- Role of selling skills for core sales team and as a whole in pharmaceuticals sales & marketing.
- How to make an effective sales call to a HCP (Health Care Profession).
- How to learn skills – concept of learning cycles.
- Components of a ‘model sales call’ and where should give - how much emphasis and importance.
- Detail analysis and understanding with role playing session for practical uses of all the components of a sales call.
- Feedback during and after role playing session for each components of sales call with video recording (where it is necessary).
- Ensure complete learning of selling skills by evaluation and then accreditation.
3. Advance Selling Skills Training Course (ASSTC) - Social style based selling skills 2 – 3 Days
Course Objective
- Understand how the current selling skills is enhanced through building relationships by relating to customers in their social style.
- Identify and understand the dominant social style of an individual sales force
- Learn how to assess the customers’ to determine their social style
- Practice adapting sales force’s social style to relate to different customer styles
Course Outline
- Checking and refreshing current selling skills level.
- Advanced Selling skills - communication process
- Dimensions of Influencing - evaluating the personality styles of self & customers
- All the components/ steps of sales call review, revise and refresh
- Role Play, Feedback & Accreditation
4. Segmentation and Targeting (S&T) – One full day program
- Full understanding of the concept S&T, Type of segmentation
- Segmentation in macro and micro level.
- Required skills to practice S&T.
- Why Targeting is required for effective Territory management.
- Benefit and impact of targeting.
- Role of S&T in productivity enhancement program.
- Pareto principle.
5. Key Account Management – One full day program
- KAM concept in Pharmaceuticals business.
- Criteria of KAM.
- Key accounts management creating a successful relationship
- KAM as a profit enhancement approach
- Strategic customers & large customers
- Four keys to good Key Account Management
- KAM matrix for products, services and customers.
6. Communication skills & Negotiation skills – Day long program
Communication skills
- Definition, model, style of communication including dimension.
- Communication interference and channel.
- Common communication barrier
- Components of different types of communication
- Use of power line and emotion in communication
- Communication style grid and matrix
- Personal and business communication
Negotiation skills
- Definition, purpose and area of uses
- Negotiation strategies and tactics
- Negotiation overcoming obstacles
- Why do normally fear to negotiate
- Primary Motivation in A Negotiation